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Three Types of Commercial Insurance That Your Business May Need

As a business owner, taking steps to protect your enterprise is crucial. Having the appropriate commercial insurance policies is one of the critical ways to ensure that protection. Since numerous types of commercial insurance policies exist, the ones your business requires will depend on your specific operations. Factors such as whether you have employees, the type of products or services you offer, and your business location play a role in determining the insurance policies you need. When it’s time to secure your commercial policies, contact us at Laine Insurance in Colorado.

Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation insurance protects your business against accidents that your employees could have at work. Employees can get injured through falls and other accidents, even in seemingly safe environments like offices. If this happens and your business isn’t insured, you will be liable for the resulting medical and legal costs. Worker’s compensation insurance protects your business from the financial distress that a workplace accident can cause.

Commercial Auto Insurance

All vehicles that your business owns must have commercial insurance policies. If an accident occurs, a personal auto insurance policy will not cover costs relating to a business-owned vehicle. Having the right commercial auto insurance is the only way to ensure that the repairs and injuries resulting from an accident will be covered.

Product Liability

Businesses that sell products should consider product liability insurance. Products you sell can cause accidents that could lead to injuries. If your business is not insured for this, it would have to pay for all related costs, such as medical bills and legal fees. Having product liability coverage offers financial protection against such incidents, contributing to your business’s financial security.

Secure Your Colorado Commercial Insurance

There are many types of commercial insurance that may apply to your business. Call Laine Insurance in Colorado to learn more about the coverage that best meets your needs.

Four Basic Commercial Insurance Claims You May Need to Make

Running a business can bring a few surprises routinely. It is just part of a business owner’s lifestyle. In these situations, you may need to file an insurance claim. These are four of the most basic ones for anyone who owns a business. A commercial insurance claim with Laine Insurance will recover losses and alert the insurance company to the situation.

Four Basic Commercial Insurance Claims You May Need to Make

1. Property damage claims cover damage to a client’s property. For example, you own a lawn care business. Your employee spills weed killer all over your customer’s prize roses by accident.  Filing the property claim covers the cost of the ruined roses. Maybe instead you’ve knocked a glass of water over onto your client’s phone during a consultation. Your coverage may pay for damages to or replacement of the phone.

2. Product liability covers any injuries a customer obtains through the use of your product. It covers medical costs and helps prevent being sued by taking responsibility for a product that is broken, has parts missing, or other issues that cause an injury.

3. Colorado nature and weather damage claims should be filed when weather damage occurs to your business property. Since policies differ on which of these are included, always check the fine print when filing a claim, 

4. Theft and robbery are claims most business owners make sooner or later. You might have had a shop break-in, with the thief making off with tools or merchandise. Perhaps an employee is stealing money. Filing helps you to recover money and property.

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

Laine Insurance knows that even these four common claims can be stressful. We are dedicated to guiding business owners on what and when to file for any kind of business insurance claim in Colorado.

How workers compensation insurance can help protect both you and your employees

Workers’ Compensation insurance from Laine Insurance is an important form of protection for both employers and employees here in Colorado. Not only can it provide financial help to employees if they are injured on the job, but it also serves to protect employers from liability in the case of employee injury or death.

Benefits of this vital coverage

If an employee is injured while on the job, workers’ compensation insurance will cover medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. This gives employers peace of mind that they won’t be held responsible if an employee sustains an injury while at work, as well as providing coverage for any medical costs related to the injury. In addition, this coverage option can also provide death benefits to families of workers who die in a work-related incident. 

In addition to protecting employees, workers’ compensation can provide reassurance for employers that they won’t be held liable in a lawsuit resulting from an employee injury. Without this type of coverage, companies could face potentially devastating damages that could put them out of business. 

Overall, workers’ compensation insurance is beneficial for both workers and employers alike by providing financial assistance and protection from potential lawsuits. It’s essential for businesses to have this kind of coverage in place in order to protect themselves from legal action and ensure their employees are taken care of after a workplace accident or illness.

Reach out to us

For more information or to explore a policy that suits your needs, give us at Laine Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the state of Colorado. It would be our pleasure to help you.